CF Learning Changes

In our ever-evolving collaboration with Mark Freado, Larry Brendtro, and their colleagues, we look forward to new and exciting programs and trainings they are developing. For more information, contact them at or Be watching for new website development coming soon!  

Brain Awareness Week:

CF Learning Recommended Brain Awareness Week Website. When you are ready to learn more, a lot more, about your brain, check out The site is the CF Learning recommended website for Brain Awareness Week and contains information for all degrees of neuro-enthusiasts, from beginner to expert. It was launched in May of 2012 as a public information initiative of The Kavli[…]

Join us for Brain Awareness Week

A celebration of the brain. Monday begins an annual, global, week-long campaign and celebration of the brain to increase public awareness and progress of brain research.  It’s called Brain Awareness Week and it’s sponsored by the DANA Foundation.  According to their website, “The DANA Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that supports brain research through grants, publications, and[…]