by Dr. Martin Brokenleg
Lifelong learning in our hearts occurs through positive and negative experiences. Experiential learning teaches our inner world while intellectual learning, which we call knowledge, teaches our mind. We do not have a good term in English for inner learning. Some societies call this kind of learning capacities, while other societies call it virtues. I prefer the term formation. Formation is a deep learning in our hearts, our emotions, and our psyches or our souls. It is there that we learn the purpose of living well.
This level of learning is also where we build resiliency—the strength of spirit that allows a person to thrive in the face of adversity as well as success. We can help foster resiliency by providing experiences that teach hardiness and survivability. Living with purpose creates resiliency. Dying with purpose shows an astonishing level of resiliency.
I do not often listen to pop music, but I have heard of a very popular singing group called Tragically Hip. They are a Canadian band, and the vividness of the name stuck in my mind. Their lead singer, Gord Downie, stunned the entertainment world when he revealed in May 2016, that he had incurable brain cancer. He announced a farewell concert tour that began on the west coast and finished in central Canada. Knowing the trajectory of Gord Downie’s life made each show poignant, and every venue was filled to capacity. His listeners hung on his every word and song.
Victoria Seminars
April 21-26, 2017, Victoria, BC
Harbour Towers Hotel and Suites
Network with leading-edge presenters and like-minded colleagues. Beneficial for all who work in prevention, treatment, and education with challenging children and youth.