Rolling with Resilience: Building Family Strengths (RwR) presents a positive and holistic approach to fostering resilience and self-worth in children and young people. RwR is a highly interactive workshop exploring ideas and strategies that foster positive relationships. This workshop provides a philosophy and a framework for meeting growth needs and strengthening resilience in family, home, school, organisations and community settings. RwR consists of three modules that scaffold to provide a positive and holistic approach to fostering resilience and self-worth in children and young people.
Part 1 introduces a model of positive youth development and factors that contribute to providing opportunities for young people to further develop their sense of self-worth and resilience.
Part 2 looks at the research foundations that underpin positive youth development and highlights the importance of meeting basic growth needs. Ideas and strategies are shared for building skills that will further develop well-being, self-worth and resilience.
Part 3 provides an opportunity to reflect on current relationships and consider how they might be enhanced to strengthen resilience in families. The workshop concludes with an invitation to complete a resilience survey and to transfer the findings onto a model that builds a visual overview of the well-developed areas in the young person’s life. This process identifies where further support might enhance current relationships and support ongoing development.
The workshop has been designed to enable facilitation in a variety of formats, as a one day workshop or in three consecutive parts. Organisations and individuals have found this workshop effective both as an introduction to models of positive youth development and as a refresher for people who have previously participated in similar learning that has a focus on supporting positive behaviours.