Becoming what you have never been requires going where you have never gone.
Don’t miss Dr. Scott Larson’s keynote presentation at the Black Hills Conference, July 16-18, in Rapid City, South Dakota! Scott uses his new book, Groundwork, to discuss teaching for transformational change. Discover the three types of education, and learn why transformation requires enormous courage as Dr. Larson leads participants through a process of inquiry and discovery to help make a positive change in their lives and the lives of those they serve.
Scott Larson, DMin, is president and founder of Straight Ahead Ministries, an international faith-based organization working with juvenile offenders in more than 400 juvenile detention centers in 15 states and 5 countries. He has been a long time leader in our network having served as a board member and former president of Reclaiming Youth International. Scott has authored 13 books and numerous articles on working effectively with high-risk youth and is adjunct professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Center for Urban Ministerial Education at Gordon College.